W każdej grupie, oprócz nauczyciela wychowawcy codziennie jest nauczyciel, który zwraca się do dzieci po angielsku.
Poznaj naszych Native Speakerów.
Native Speakers w Akademii Sztuk Dziecięcych
James Ogden
Native Speaker
I moved to Warsaw four and half years ago and started teaching English both business and private lessons but soon I found myself a workshop and started making and creating again.
After someone seeing my work on recycling I was offered a TV program on TVN HGTV called "Rzeczy od nowa" where I showed people ways of recycling in an artistic way. I recorded 2 seasons and then made another program called "Jimi presents".
Since I moved to Warsaw I have always been writing and recording music, my songs and arrangements have been used for commercials and film and TV in Poland. I will be releasing my new album in April 2021.
I love working at Akademia Stztuk Dzieciecych because I really do believe the arts have a very important role in children’s lives .
I moved to Warsaw four and half years ago and started teaching English both business and private lessons but soon I found myself a workshop and started making and creating again.
After someone seeing my work on recycling I was offered a TV program on TVN HGTV called "Rzeczy od nowa" where I showed people ways of recycling in an artistic way. I recorded 2 seasons and then made another program called "Jimi presents".
Since I moved to Warsaw I have always been writing and recording music, my songs and arrangements have been used for commercials and film and TV in Poland. I will be releasing my new album in April 2021.
I love working at Akademia Stztuk Dzieciecych because I really do believe the arts have a very important role in children’s lives .
Trent Moody
Native Speaker
I’m from a small town in Michigan in the United States of America. After high school I studied elementary education at Goshen College in Indiana. I worked as a high school baseball and basketball coach for more than 6 years. I spent my summers working in a Polish restaurant, which is where I fell in love with Polish culture. I moved to Warsaw in 2016 where I began teaching English as a foreign language to both adults and children. My first experience teaching in Akademia Sztuk Dziecięcych was in January of 2019 and I have been a permanent member of the ASD Family since the autumn of 2019.
I’m from a small town in Michigan in the United States of America. After high school I studied elementary education at Goshen College in Indiana. I worked as a high school baseball and basketball coach for more than 6 years. I spent my summers working in a Polish restaurant, which is where I fell in love with Polish culture. I moved to Warsaw in 2016 where I began teaching English as a foreign language to both adults and children. My first experience teaching in Akademia Sztuk Dziecięcych was in January of 2019 and I have been a permanent member of the ASD Family since the autumn of 2019.
Gregory Kołakowski
Native Speaker
I was born in Melbourne and I moved to Poland in 2006. For over 10 years i have played soccer, and that is why my first experience working with children were at soccer camps. A nother passion of mine is cooking. Food is something thats brings everyone together, wich is why cooking activities in English are a great way to teach.
I was born in Melbourne and I moved to Poland in 2006. For over 10 years i have played soccer, and that is why my first experience working with children were at soccer camps. A nother passion of mine is cooking. Food is something thats brings everyone together, wich is why cooking activities in English are a great way to teach.
Zuhal Ozgul
Native Speaker
I have been living in Warsaw since 2016 and English philology graduate with pedagogy certificate. After graduation, I decided to work with pupils. I love working with children and spending time with them. Encouraging them, helping them believe in themselves and making them curious to learn is the best form of success. I love traveling and discovering new places. Photographing beautiful memories and new places is my biggest passion.
I have been living in Warsaw since 2016 and English philology graduate with pedagogy certificate. After graduation, I decided to work with pupils. I love working with children and spending time with them. Encouraging them, helping them believe in themselves and making them curious to learn is the best form of success. I love traveling and discovering new places. Photographing beautiful memories and new places is my biggest passion.
Stacy Gathigia
Native Speaker
I am from Kenya , a magical country known for its wildlife , beaches and beautiful sceneries. I moved to Poland Warsaw for my education in 2022 and have lived here ever since. I am undergoing my bachelors in Psychology and I aspire to master in the development of children as well as studying of their behaviour. I started working with children as early as the age of fifteen when I volunteered at an orphanage and from there I developed the love for children that led me to major in psychology.
I have various hobbies such as reading novels, singing, skating, swimming, crocheting and many more 😉 My first experience teaching in Akademia Sztuk Dziecięcych was in July of 2023 and I have been a member of the ASD Family. From working here I have been able to familiarise myself with the rich polish culture and learn something new everyday.
I am from Kenya , a magical country known for its wildlife , beaches and beautiful sceneries. I moved to Poland Warsaw for my education in 2022 and have lived here ever since. I am undergoing my bachelors in Psychology and I aspire to master in the development of children as well as studying of their behaviour. I started working with children as early as the age of fifteen when I volunteered at an orphanage and from there I developed the love for children that led me to major in psychology.
I have various hobbies such as reading novels, singing, skating, swimming, crocheting and many more 😉 My first experience teaching in Akademia Sztuk Dziecięcych was in July of 2023 and I have been a member of the ASD Family. From working here I have been able to familiarise myself with the rich polish culture and learn something new everyday.
Weronika Wojciechowska
Nauczyciel anglojęzyczny
W języku angielskim zakochałam się podczas rocznego pobytu w Anglii, gdzie pracowałam z dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym. Od powrotu do Polski kontynuuję moją przygodę z najmłodszymi, mówiąc do nich i bawiąc się z nimi po angielsku. Jestem entuzjastką dziecięcej spontaniczności i radości. Z radością obserwuję, jak każdego dnia stają się bardziej świadome siebie i świata. To wspaniałe móc towarzyszyć im i wspierać w codziennych przygodach przedszkolnych.
Czas wolny spędzam na podróżowaniu i czytaniu literatury faktu.
W języku angielskim zakochałam się podczas rocznego pobytu w Anglii, gdzie pracowałam z dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym. Od powrotu do Polski kontynuuję moją przygodę z najmłodszymi, mówiąc do nich i bawiąc się z nimi po angielsku. Jestem entuzjastką dziecięcej spontaniczności i radości. Z radością obserwuję, jak każdego dnia stają się bardziej świadome siebie i świata. To wspaniałe móc towarzyszyć im i wspierać w codziennych przygodach przedszkolnych.
Czas wolny spędzam na podróżowaniu i czytaniu literatury faktu.
Aleksandra Mańkowska
Nauczyciel anglojęzyczny
Absolwentka Lotniczej Akademii Wojskowej.
Doświadczenie w pracy z dzieckiem zdobyła podczas pobytu w Stanach Zjednoczonych jako Au Pair, przy okazji odkrywając najdalsze zakątki tego kraju, jego kultury i obyczajowości. Od powrotu do Polski pracuje jako lektor języka angielskiego.
„Praca z dziećmi połączona z językiem angielskim daje mi ogromną przyjemność i satysfakcję. Prywatnie interesuję się rozwojem osobistym, duchowym oraz jogą. Uwielbiam podróże.”
Absolwentka Lotniczej Akademii Wojskowej.
Doświadczenie w pracy z dzieckiem zdobyła podczas pobytu w Stanach Zjednoczonych jako Au Pair, przy okazji odkrywając najdalsze zakątki tego kraju, jego kultury i obyczajowości. Od powrotu do Polski pracuje jako lektor języka angielskiego.
„Praca z dziećmi połączona z językiem angielskim daje mi ogromną przyjemność i satysfakcję. Prywatnie interesuję się rozwojem osobistym, duchowym oraz jogą. Uwielbiam podróże.”